• About the Score

    【What is Score?】
    Most of legacy workout apps record “weight” and “times”.
    GymReco also records the calculated score like 50kg x 20times = 1000.
    You may feel it is not equal 5kg x 200times and 50kg x 20times as the body reinforcement point of view even if both scores are 1000.
    However, the score is still useful for calculating total amount of workout in a day, when you add or remove weight plate for taking care of your health condition.


    【Calculation method】
    ・Count day by day.
    ・If one workout item has plural records in a day, displays summary.
    ・Graph can show not only daily summary but also weekly and monthly summary.
    ・Left and right scores are separated.
    ・Depend on workout characteristic, below formulas are applied for calculation.
    ・There is almost no meaning to sum scores between different workouts. Score comparison is meaningful in the same workout.

    = Times
    = Times x Weight
    = Minutes
    = Minutes x (0.9 + 0.1 x Level)
    = Minutes x Speed x (0.9 + 0.1 x Level)